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02 de Marzo, 2013 · General

Acne No More Program ((-)) Treatment of Severe Acne

Treatment of severe forms of acne first conducted with the use of systemic antibiotics, topical preparations. For women also can be a combination of local products and the combined oral contraceptives (birth control pills containing the hormones estrogen and progesterone).
In severe acne therapy systemic antibiotics in combination with topical agents assigned to long term (average rate - 4-9 months.)  Treatment for severe acne often uses a combination of systemic antibiotics with acne no more program. In the treatment of severe acne systemic antibiotics are prescribed for a long period of time - from 6-8 weeks to 4-5 months.
During the treatment of acne systemic antibiotics may increase the sensitivity of the skin to UV light, so in the summer it is recommended to avoid direct sunlight. Most antibiotics contraindicated in children, as well as women in pregnancy and breast feeding. When receiving systemic antibiotics you can have bowel disorder, cause allergies, and women - thrush.
The combination of local products and the combined oral contraceptive treatment of severe forms of acne in women can be a combination of local agents and combined oral contraceptives - the pill, which include two kinds of hormones (estrogen and progesterone). These pills lead to lower levels of the male sex hormone testosterone, which reduces the activity of the sebaceous glands and improves skin condition.
Anti-acne effect of these drugs is not immediate, but after 3-4 months, so contraceptives provided to women at least six months. During the course of treatment of acne contraceptives should do regular blood tests due to possible side effects of blockage of blood vessels and the nervous system.

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